For more than 35 years, Ewe And Us has been producing quality wool and sheep related and inspired items and artwork. We are happy to announce that with the children now grown and gone, we are once again making adjustments to the family farm business, and are refocusing on the production of fleece for the handspinning and felting market. Roughly 100 ewes, both colored and white now make up the flock.
The flock was expanded accordingly in 2008 with the purchase of 20 yearling Polypay ewes. The next year a Corriedale ram began adding length and weight to the fleeces on the replacement ewe lambs. A NCWGA registered ram was added, with the result of natural colored fleeces. Shearing takes place by the first of March, before the muddy season and lambing.
The Polypay is a composite breed developed in 1975 for selected desirable traits of each of the Finnsheep, Dorset, Targhee and Rambouillet breeds. (Wool quality is similar to Corriedale type.) Additions to the flock also provide for variety. Romney and Coopworth round out the selection for some long wools.
Because vegetable matter is a major problem, care is taken throughout the year to avoid as much contamination as is feasibly possible. A major advance was made in the fall of 2009 with the purchase of ‘Sheep suits’ (Made in Colorado) for most of the flock. The ewes, decked out in their new ‘outerwear’, are now protected from the dreaded hay leaves. Each year as shearing time approaches (Late Feb. ) we look forward to seeing the fresh crop of really clean fleeces.
Don does the shearing himself, and does his best to avoid second cuts on the underside of the fleece. All fleeces are shook clean, picked over, and skirted heavily before packaging separately. The weight, condition, length, crimp, and color of fleece is recorded for each ewe. I have been processing our fleeces myself for years, and with proper handling they are suitable for either spinning or felting purposes.
Prices for all fleeces vary according to fleece type and color, and amount of purchase. Arrangements for washed or dyed wool may be possible. Carded wool in bats, both white and colored are sometimes available.
The flock has grown considerably in recent years. With the addition of acres of pasture, the number of ewes has also. At the beginning of 2015, there are now 90 bred ewes, and 24 replacement yearling ewes in the flock.

Jean Claude is our Merino ram, and his fleece is 18 microns.

Buyers appreciate the clean fleeces, and some with unusual characteristics of curly crimp like 1145

At the Iowa Sheep and Wool Festival in 2014, we had both the Champion and Reverse Champion fleece. Grandma is a Corriedale, and the Reserve Champ was her ram lambs fleece,

Sonny. (his sire was Grandpa, a colored Corriedale ram)
Fleeces are usually available throughout the year. Feel free to contact us to inquire about availability and prices of fleeces. I like to match the buyer to the type of fleece preferred, and according to intended use. We highly prefer satisfied customers, and there are quite a few now.
Contact us soon for the best selection of your favorite type of fleece, grown right here in Nebraska. Washed and carded wool ready for spinning or felting, as well as small lots of dyed carded wool for needle felting are sometimes on hand. Samples are available with a SASE.
Rhonda and Don McClure
Ewe And Us
859 County Road 18
Wahoo, NE 68066